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tips to avoid losing your keys

5 Tips to Avoid Losing Your Keys

You’re in a rush. You have somewhere you needed to be 10 minutes ago! That’s always when it happens. You can’t find your keys no matter where you look. Losing your keys is something that can happen to all of us. Whether it be lost car keys, or the keys to your house, losing your keys can be incredibly annoying. Luckily, you can take some steps to make this common occurrence happen a little less often in your life and help you find your lost keys.



Make your keys stand out

One way to avoid losing your keys or to help you find your lost keys is to make them stand out more. Paint your keys a bright colour. Not only does a bright set of keys make you less likely to lose them in the first place, but if you do lose them, you’ll be able to find them a lot quicker. But when painting your keys, it is a good idea to only paint the head of the key so that you aren’t getting any paint in the lock itself.

lost keys

Get high-tech about it

We live in the modern world, so why not use a modern solution to an age-old problem? Many companies sell small tags you can add to your keys so that you can track their location. We always have our phones within arms reach and with the help of these digital trackers, you’ll never need to worry about losing your keys again. Give your keys their own home

Another way to never lose your keys again is to give them their very own home inside of your home. It could be a small dish by the door, a board to hang them on, or even just a side table by the door. If you build a habit of always placing your keys in that same spot, you’ll never need to worry about needing to find lost keys again.  Add some bling

Following along the same idea as painting your keys, adding a key chain is another way to make your keys easier to spot. Plenty of options out there exist, and there is sure to be something you like the look of. Not only can a key chain be a nice accessory, but they also make you less likely to lose your keys in the future. Be prepared for the worst

Unfortunately, sometimes regardless of the preparations you take, you still might lose your keys while you are out and about. If you do lose your keys while you are out, you want to make sure that if a good samaritan picks them up, they can give them back to you. 

However, writing your personal details on your keys is never a good idea for your safety and security. Luckily, there are alternative options you can do to make sure if anybody finds your keys, they can find their way back to you. 

Fortunately, Armstrong Security provides a key retrieval service. With Armstrong’s free key retrieval service, if somebody picks up your lost keys, you can have them returned to you without needing to worry about your safety or security. Pick up your free Key Retriever tag today!